Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After 3 different due dates came and went, Trevor Marshall Hart was born on Sunday October 17, 2010 at 6:24am. I am so relieved he is here! One of my due dates was 10-10-10 and I enjoyed telling people that was my due date, especially since Stella was born on 8-08-08. Well, that's what I get for tempting fate because I got my 10-10, but it was his weight, instead of his birthdate! (Actual weight was 10lbs. 9 oz.) And on October 10th, instead of having a baby, I got a cold! So, I was hoping that I wouldn't go into labor while battling a cold. I just didn't know how I would get through it, not being able to breathe through my nose. God was certainly watching over me then.
So, the following Saturday, Nathan and I took Stella to Indian Ladder Farms for apple cider, donuts and apples. It was a full day of activities. Around 11pm, I went to bed but couldn't really fall asleep. Finally went to the hospital at 3:30 and he was born 3 hrs. later! It was nothing short of a miracle. The nurses and midwife couldn't believe how big Trevor was. In the nursery he was known as the "Moose". The nurses had to dig up some size 1 diapers because he was already too big for the newborn size. He's a big healthy boy.
Mom, Dad and Stella are all well and adjusting to our new family dynamic. Thank you to everyone for their well wishes and prayers. We are so happy!